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Windows 10 Black Screen After Login With Cursor Fix Updated FREE

Windows 10 Black Screen After Login With Cursor Fix

User case:  Windows black screen with cursor after login

Hi, I take been trying to login to my reckoner for 2 days simply every time I enter my countersign a black screen with merely a cursor appears. I am unable to access anything on my computer besides task director. I tried to run explorer.exe which did not practice anything, I also tried many different fixes which all did not work. Hope you lot can help.

Sometimes Windows may display a black screen with cursor after login, which is likewise known as BSOD (blackness screen of decease). It'due south quite frustrating because no error message or lawmaking will be provided. Only don't worry besides much, we've complied some possible causes in the following article.

Generally speaking, BSOD may exist caused past outdate or incompatible commuter, corrupted system files, corrupted user contour, hardware conflicts, virus attack, etc. Thus, the solutions will exist given based on different causes.

How to gear up Windows 10 black screen with cursor

You tin endeavor post-obit fixes 1 past 1 to fix BSOD. Simply please note, except for the basic troubleshooting, other solutions crave you to enter safe mode or recovery environment at first.

  • Fix blackness screen with blinking cursor in Windows 10 with some basic troubleshooting | iii solutions
  • Fix my computer turns on but the screen is blackness with a make clean boot
  • Set up windows black screen with cursor after login by uninstalling quality updates
  • Gear up black screen with blinking cursor by disabling fast startup
  • Fix blackness screen with blinking cursor by uninstalling the graphic drivers
  • Fix blackness screen with blinking cursor by system file checker
  • Prepare Windows black screen with cursor after login using System Restore
  • Reset your estimator to completely fix the black screen of death error

How to access recovery surroundings in Windows x:

  • Printing and hold the Power button for 10s, this will shutdown your calculator.
  • Turn on your reckoner, and turn off it when you run into the Windows log during the showtime process.
  • Repeat these steps twice, and so your computer volition start Automatic Repair automatically. But expect untill the process completes.
  • Cick Advanced options to access the Windows Recovery environment if it does not repair this trouble.

Automatic Repair

How to access safe way in Windows x:

  • Access the recovery environment in Windows x.
  • In the Choose an pick window, selectTroubleshoot >Avant-garde options >Startup Settings >Restart
  • In the Startup Settings window, press 4 or F4 to enable safe mode.

Enable Safe Mode

Fix black screen with blinking cursor in Windows 10 with some basic troubleshooting

To fix the black screen with blinking cursor error, you demand to try some basic troubleshoting in gild to avert further problems, such as, computer fails to boot. So, let's go started.

Remove all your external devices

The hardware conflicts can be the one of the nearly common reasons for blackness screen. To check it, you need to remove all the external devices.

Pace i.  Plow off your figurer.

Step two. Remove USB, external hard drive, headset and microphone including the charger cable. If your reckoner is a laptop, you withal need to remove the bombardment.

Step 3. Press and hold the power button for 30s and release.

Footstep 4. Put back the charger cablevision (and battery), restart your reckoner and see if the problem is solved.

Note: If yous installed the external graphic card, you need to  remove it before restarting computer.

Restart Windows Explorer

Step 1. Printing Ctrl + Shift + ESC or Ctrl + Alt + Del to open task director.

Step 2. Click File > Run new task.

Run New Task

Pace 3. In the Create new task window, type Explorer.exe and tick Create this task with Administrative privileges. Then, click OK.

Disable AppReadiness service

Pace 1. Open up task manager in the black screen window. And so, click File > Run new chore.

Step ii. In the Create new task window, type services.msc and click OK.

Step 3. In the Services window, notice out the AppReadiness service and double-click it. And so, yous will see its properties window, scroll downwardly to the Startup type and select Disabled, click Use and OK.

Step 4.Become dorsum to the task manager, run new task with adminitrative privileges,Type shutdown /southward /f and hit OK. It will turn off your computer.

Shutdown System

Footstep 5. Restart your computer to meet if there is whatever problem.

Create a new user business relationship

Corrupted user profile can be a cause for this issue. To prepare information technology, you lot tin can create a new user account within command prompt. To do so, you could effort the post-obit steps.

Step i. Open chore managing director and click File > Run new task at the upper left corner.

Footstep ii.  In the Create new task window, type cmd and tick Create this task with administrator privileges.

Step 3. In the command prompt window, type the following commands and striking Enter.

  • cyberspace user /add [username] [countersign]  (without [ ])

  • internet localgroup administrators [username] /add (without [ ])

Stride 4. Become to the quondam account's folder and re-create files to the new account. Delight remember not to re-create the "ntuser" files in the old account.

Fix my computer turns on but the screen is black with a make clean boot

Usually, when your figurer starts, it volition showtime a bunch of services, drivers, and applications in the background, if they works properly, your estimator will kickoff normally. If ane of them is not working, you will receive the black screen with blinking cursor error.

In this case, you can choose to perform a clean kicking in safe way, with a minimal set of drivers and startup programs, so equally to avoids software conflicts. The steps are:

Footstep ane. Search msconfig in the search box and select Organization Configuration selection.

Step 2. Click the Services tab. So, in the lower location, tick Hide all Microsoft servcies and click Disable all, click Apply.


Stride iii. Click the Startup tab and and so the Open Chore Director choice.


Step 4. In the Task Managing director window, click the Startup tab. So, select each app and click Disable.

Step 5. Close the Job Manager.

Step six. Go dorsum to the System Configuration window, click OK.

Step 7. Restart your figurer.

If you tin can start your computer normally after a clean boot, you lot still need to check the problem was caused past which items. To make it, follow the steps below.

Step ane. Open the System Configuration window and go to the Services tab.

Step 2. In the lower location, tick Hide all Microsoft services and select one of the services, click Apply and OK.

Footstep 3. Restart your estimator.

Pace 4. If the selected service is non the casuse of the problem, repeat the steps until you observe the problematic item.

Fix windows black screen with cursor after login by uninstalling quality updates

Recently quality update can be a crusade for windows black screen with cursor after login error, because it may rollout bugs and compatibility problems. In society to uninstall it, yous tin can do with the following steps in safety way.

Footstep i. Search for Control Panel and select it in the result list.

Footstep ii. Select Program > Program and Features > View installed updates, and then you lot will see all the recent update.

Step 3. Select the most recent update and click Uninstall.

Uninstall Recent Updates

Step iv. Restart your computer.

Fix black screen with blinking cursor by disabling fast startup

Fast startup is a feature in some installations with specific hardware configuration, and it allows a device to kicking faster. Sometimes it may crusade the blackness screen error, so you demand to disable it in rubber mode. In order to practice so, practise as instructed.

Pace 1. Open Control Panel. And then, select Arrangement and Security and Power options in gild.

Step 2. In the Power Options window, select theChoose what the power button dooption.

Choose Power Options

Step 3. Select the Modify settings that are currently unavailable option.


Step 4. Uncheck Turn on fast startup (recommended) selection and click Save changes button.

Step five. Restart your reckoner.

Ready black screen with blinking cursor by uninstalling the graphic drivers

Incompatible drivers tin can as well cause this black screen mistake, to set up information technology, you lot need to uninstall installed graphic drivers in safe mode. To exercise then, use the following steps.

Step one. Press Win + X and select Device Manager.

Step 2. In the Device Manager window, expand Displayed Adapters. So, right-click the installed display adapter and choose Uninstall device.

Uninstall Displayed Adapter

Pace 3. Here you will see the Uninstall Device window, be certain the pickDelete driver software for this device is checked and click Uninstall over again.


Step iv. Restart your computer.

Once the device restarts, your computer will effort to reinstall the graphics driver automatically to solve this error.

If this problem still exists, y'all can endeavor to roll back the graphic drivers past the following steps.

Step one. Become to the Device Managing director and aggrandize Displayed Adapters.

Step 2. Right-click the installed display adapter and select Backdrop.

Step 3. In the Properties window, click the Commuter tab. Then, Scroll downwards to the Roll Back Driver and select information technology.

Roll Back Driver

Step 4. In the Driver Package rollback window, select any reason and click Yes.

Stride 5. Restart your computer.

Notation: If your computer is Windows 7, yous can try to access the Advanced boot options and enable low-resolution video(640*480) to gear up this error. It'southward saide to be a working solution.

Low Resolution Video

Fix black screen with blinking cursor by system file checker

Arrangement file error is likewise a cause for the black screen with blinking cursor mistake. To check information technology, you tin try SFC or DISM command in safe manner. The steps are below.

Step one. Type cmd in the search box, select information technology and run as administrator.

Step 2. In the command prompt window, type sfc /scannow and striking Enter.


Footstep iii. If information technology does not fix the problem, blazon DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and hitting Enter.

Step iv. Restart your computer.

Fix Windows blackness screen with cursor after login using System Restore

Step 1. Blazon recovery in the search box and select it.

Stride two. In the popular-upwards window, select Open System Restore.

Open System Restore

Step 3. In the System Restore window, click Next.

Step iv. Select a working restore bespeak and click Adjacent.

Select Restore Point

Pace 5. Confirm the restore bespeak and click Finish to restore computer to an before engagement.

Reset your computer to completely fix the black screen of decease error

If yous are not able to admission the safe mode, you can go to the Windows recovery environment and endeavour to troubleshoot your computer with given recovery tools, such as, Startup Repair, System Restore, System Image Recovery, Command Prompt, Reset this PC.

Reset this pc tin be the terminal resort if you cannot set up the blackness screen error. Information technology allows you to reset this pc and keep files in Windows 10, but apps and settings will be removed thoroughly.  Having said that, some users still say they lose their important files during the process. Thus, delight take it seriously earlier use. It's a wise pick to backup important files or organisation.

To practice then, y'all demand a professional withal free backup software like AOMEI Backupper Standard. It supports backup files, arrangement, disk or specific partitions per your needs, and provides more useful features to continuously protect your data, such equally, daily/weekly/monthly schedule fill-in, incremental or differential fill-in,  etc. You lot can download it to explore yourself.

Here I'll take file fill-in as an example to evidence you lot the unabridged process, you could follow the steps below. Equally y'all cannot access your computer, you need to create bootable USB on another working figurer and boot from it.

Pace one. Connect the bootable USB, change boot priority of information technology and boot from information technology. And then, later loading, y'all will see  the primary page of AOMEI Backupper, click Backup >File Fill-in in society.

File Backup

Step two. Click Add together File or Add Folder and select files y'all desire to backup.

Add Folders Files

If you desire to backup files with a certain file extension, you can click the funnel shape at the right side of the selected folder and set the specific file extention. Note this feature is available on the professional version, you lot tin upgrade to it if needed.

Backup Click Filter

Step 3. Click the binder shapped push to select the backup destination. If information technology'southward an external hard drive, you need to connect it to the computer having problem.

Step 4. Ostend the items yous select and click Start Backup.

Ane unmarried backup will but fill-in data at that point, which will not include the changes made later on. Thus, if necessary, it is suggested to create a schedule backup then as to continously protect data.

To make information technology, clickSchedule and select any of backup settings you similar. Then, click OK to salvage the chanages.

Schedule Settings General

And then, let's get started to reset your computer with the last resort.

Footstep 1. Access the Windows recovery surroundings. Then, in the Cull an option window, selectTroubleshoot >Reset this PC.

Step 2. Here you volition asked to reset this pc while keep files or remove everything, select Keep my files.

Keep My Files

Pace 3. In the Ready to reset this PC window, It will tell yous that the apps or settings does not come forth with this PC will be removed. Confirm information technology and click Reset to start the process.

Ready To Reset This Pc

Step 4. Await until the installation process completes, set up your preference settings and install apps or settings you will need.

Reset Windows

Prevention ameliorate than troubleshooting

The Windows black screen with cursor after login error is just one of problem during the utilize of figurer, y'all can try to search for solutions when information technology occurs and gear up it. Merely at that place is a possibility that y'all cannot fix it, the only take a chance is to reset your PC from scratch.

Thus, it'south suggested to backup important files, system or disk with a free backup software earlier something bad happens. To keep runway of all the changes, you need to create a continuous backup by backing up them regularly, such as, daily, weekly, monthly.

Windows 10 Black Screen After Login With Cursor Fix


Source: https://www.ubackup.com/articles/windows-black-screen-with-cursor-after-login.html

Posted by: adamsrored1991.blogspot.com

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